Directed In-Services
The Institute understands the pressures of working in the current long term
care environment. Our seasoned professionals have worked in this industry and
know the delicate balance that exists between regulations, staff retention
and quality care. The Institute emphasizes a collaborative approach to designing
a program tailored to meet your directed in-service needs.
Our in-service curricula are developed by an interdisciplinary team
of experts including nursing home administrators, registered nurses and
a legal nurse consultant. All have extensive experience in adult education
and are dedicated to providing in-depth trainings that motivate learners. With
our emphasis on Culture Change, all programs aim to improve resident quality
of care and promote employee skills enhancement and job satisfaction.
When you are faced with a plan of correction that includes directed education,
the Institute is ready to help. Our Directed In-Service
Consultation Program offers a comprehensive six-step process to meet
your home's unique needs:
- Step 1: In-depth analysis of your survey deficiency report
- Step 2: Our team meets with your team to design the education and training
you need. Input from the appropriate state and federal regulatory agencies
is also incorporated.
- Step 3: Creation of customized directed in-service curriculum submitted
to your management team, the Department of Health, and your Field Office
for review
- Step 4: Arrange and conduct training sessions for all shifts -- videotaped
to help ensure 100% compliance. Trainings include overview of appropriate
F-Tags, review of corresponding policies and procedures, and instruction
on maintaining compliance.
- Step 5: Exit meeting to brainstorm ideas for long-term compliance
- Step 6: Three months later, a follow-up meeting is held to gauge retention
and on-going compliance.
We also offer comprehensive consultation services including assistance with
Plans of Correction, Long-Term Strategic Planning, Systems Change and Public
Here to contact us or call us at (717) 263-7766 to discuss
your needs and receive a customized quote.